Designing an Authorization System: a Dialogue in Five Scenes

This posting’s setting is a blatant ripoff of perhaps the best technology overview document ever written (on Kerberos):

Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes


This dialogue provides a fictitious account of the design of an open-source authorization system called “Haros”. As the dialogue progresses, the characters Athena and Euripides discover the problems inherent in applications using common authorization systems.

When they finish designing the system, Athena changes the system’s name to “Apache Fortress“, the name, coincidentally enough, of the authorization system that was designed and implemented at Apache’s “Directory Project“.


  • Dramatis Personae
  • Scene I
  • Scene II
  • Scene III
  • Scene IV
  • Scene V

Dramatis Personae

Athena a newly promoted director of IT security and a people person.
Euripides a longtime programmer specializing in security and reigning curmudgeon.

Scene I

A cubicle area. Euripides is working on a project rollout, for a new financial system.  Athena’s walking the floor with several other executives.  She finds Euripides in the farthest corner, away from the elevator.  All of the windows are covered and the lighting is muted.

Euripides: [clearing an old pizza box from the stained guest chair] Hey stranger!  Haven’t seen you in a while.  How’s life as a corporate bigwig?

Athena’s in distress but trying to conceal it.  Before the promotion, she and Euripides worked on several projects together, the most successful, a Kerberos authentication system.  Despite his gruff exterior, she’s learned to trust his candid viewpoint, particularly on security.

Athena:    [gingerly sitting down] Not so great Rip.  Our common security authorization system totally sucks.  It’s tightly bound to the application data model and can’t be reused. It’s impossible to separate the security policy data from the business data.  We’re going to have to build yet another authorization system for this new banking project you’re working on.

Euripides: [munching on a donut] Why are you telling me?  I’m just a programmer.

Athena:    [rolling her eyes] If only there was a way to externalize security policy so that it doesn’t taint the business model. That way we could have a common fine-grained authorization system that works across every application, on every system.

Euripides: [licking his fingers] We’ve been asking for one of those for as long as I’ve been here.  It’ll happen when Hades freezes over.  Here, have a donut, you’ll feel better.

Athena:     [cringing] No thanks.  I think it’s time to ask the Gods.  Maybe, this has already been solved and we can save my team the odyssey of creating a new one.

Euripides: [eating another donut] Good luck [muttering under his breath] you’re gonna need it.

Athena:     What’s that?

Euripides: Uh yeah, tell ’em we’re gonna need more donuts down here.

Scene II

Euripides’ cubicle, the next morning where he periodically spaces out while reading email.  Every so often, he’ll respond with a cryptic and/or sarcastic one-liner. A strong proponent of a style of discourse known as ‘cartoon-speak’, points are added for comedic effect.  Athena knocks on the cube wall startlingly him into the present.

Athena:     [excitedly] I found the answer to our entrenched authorization problem!

Euripides: [stifling a yawn] Isn’t that special.  [feigning interest] That sure didn’t take very long.

Euripides moves a brown paper bag oozing some kind of liquid from the guest chair and motions for her to have a seat. The bag has an odd odor.

Athena:    [with a crinkled nose, electing to stand] As it turns out this problem has been studied for a very long time, like for ages. Almost as long as you’ve been a programmer, not quite.

Euripides: [perking up slightly] Really?

Athena:    Right, there’s a research deity called NIST and they have many priests who sit in an ivory tower handing down directives for those of us living in the ‘real world’.

Euripides: I hate it when that happens.

Athena:    I know right? So, the model I found is called Role-Based Access Control, and it’s governed by a specification from another powerful deity, ANSI, called INCITS 359.

Euripides: [sarcastically] That’s a real catchy name.

Athena:    We’ll just call it RBAC for short.

Euripides: Isn’t that what our systems already use for file permissions?

Athena:    Sort of, not exactly. There’s a bit more.

Euripides: Like what?

Athena:     There are Users of course. And Groups, but they’re called Roles.

Euripides: [rubbing his belly] Like for dinner?

Athena:     Very funny.  Roles are how Users are assigned to Permissions. Permissions are a combination of Resources and Operations.

Euripides: Sounds simple enough. Again, how it’s done in Unix.

Athena:     Not quite. There’s also an entity called a Session. After a User logs in, one or more assigned Roles are then activated into a Session.

Euripides: [skeptical] That’s just great. We’ve added a useless step and state must be maintained. What’s the point?

Athena:     [patiently] It’s keeping with the principle of least privilege. The User’s given the minimum authority to complete her meal, err tasks.  Think about vacations or maternity leave. Do they need to be allowed access then?

Euripides: No, I suppose not.

Athena:    What I’ve described so far is known as RBAC0. The absolute minimum in order to be compliant.

Euripides: [sighing] Wait, there’s more?

Athena:    Still digging. Let’s talk later.

Euripides: [muttering under his breath] Thanks for the warning.

Athena:     Huh?

Euripides: Oh, was just saying, it could be rewarding.

Scene III

The next morning, Athena catches up to Euripides at the Starbucks kiosk inside their campus. He’s awaiting an order, plugged into a headset, seemingly preoccupied, and perhaps doesn’t see her. She has to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.

The two grab their coffees and head over to the condiment bar, to pour in some creamer, before tucking into a nearby booth.

Euripides: [loudly slurping coffee] Well that sure didn’t take very long.

Athena:    [wincing] Got it all figured out. Do you want to hear the rest of the story?

Euripides: [standing up to go] You mean, I have a choice?

Athena:    Very funny, have a seat Rip. It didn’t take long because it’s simple. Where were we? Oh yeah, going over the RBAC model.

Euripides: I’m captive, err — captivated.

Athena:    [clears throat] RBAC1 is for Hierarchical Roles. That’s where we place inheritance relationships. They can be related.

Euripides: Like some kind of weird family?

Athena:    Sort of. Think about when it comes time to assign the Roles to Users, sometimes referred to as ‘Role engineering’. It’s a pretty tricky task as you might imagine. There are many levels of access to consider. A Role can be a kind of module, and linked to others via inheritance. Perhaps Engineers need to also inherit all of the permissions that a normal User gets, plus everything that is normal for them.

Euripides: [caffeine kicking in] I see. It saves the trouble of having to constantly update all of the Roles anytime the Permissions change for a particular use case. Say we don’t want Users to be able to log into System X, we don’t have to change every Role, we only need to change the one. The others will realize the change automatically via inheritance. Also, the security administrator doesn’t have to understand that an Engineer is also a User. They just assign them the one, and that includes the other.

Athena:    [smiling] Very good Rip! See, you secretly like this stuff — don’t you? But wait, we’re still not done. RBAC2 is Static Separation of Duties. This is where we establish mutual exclusion constraints between assigned Roles.

Euripides: Uh oh. Now we’re getting complex.

Athena:    It’s not all that bad. Basically, we can define sets of Roles and establish a cardinality between them. That is out of particular set of Roles, how many can be assigned to a User.

Euripides: Why would we care about that?

Athena:     Think about how conflicts of interest can arise in everyday scenarios. For example, we don’t want the person who writes the checks to also approve them.

Euripides: I still don’t get it.

Athena:     Someone could write themself a check, approve it, and it’d get deposited into their personal bank account, illegally.

Euripides: Ah, that makes sense.

Athena:    RBAC3 is Dynamic Separation of Duties. It’s basically the same concept only with activated Roles not assigned.

Euripides: Oh, here we’re back to the Session right? One can either write the check or approve it, but never both for the same check. They can both be assigned to a User, but can never activate them together into a Session. There’s a toxic relationship there.

Athena:    Whoa, you’re really getting the hang of this Rip!

Euripides:  [pleased but trying to be gruff] Yeah, maybe.

Athena:     That’s pretty much it. Now, we go in front of the architecture review board and try to convince them to use RBAC inside all of their business apps. Hopefully, we can stop writing throwaway authorization code every time we build new apps.

Euripides: Good luck with that.

Athena:    Why do you keep saying that?

Scene IV

After not hearing from Athena for a week, and no sign of her on slack, Euripides gets worried, and tracks her GPS location on Google to a courtyard inside their business campus, overlooking a large pond.  He finds her slumped over a park bench by the shoreline, in obvious despair.  A flotilla of turtles nearby, observing the scene somberly.

Euripides: Whoa!  Look alive there sailor!

The turtles scatter.

Athena:    [Lifting her head up] I was eaten alive by the board.

Euripides: How so?

Athena:    They hated my idea.  Told me they already understood RBAC, and it’s stupid.

Euripides: Why do they say that?

Athena:     They called it quaint and said it hasn’t worked in the ‘real world’ for a long time.

Euripides: Did you tell them the NIST control the real world?

Athena:     [tearfully] They said it’s nearly impossible to externalize because security is tightly bound to the application’s business rules.  For an RBAC system to compensate, its Roles would explode, making a huge mess.

Euripides: What in hades are you talking about?

Athena:     It happens when context is introduced into an RBAC policy.

Euripides: Context… like attributes and such?

Athena:     Yeah, like in our baking scenario, I mean banking, we have an attribute associated with the location of the financial institution, or branch. There are over 1,000 separate locations today and our business plan calls for 10X that over the next few years. How do we specify that someone can be a Teller in one location and not in another?

Euripides: That’s easy. Just create Roles with the location as part of the name. Say Teller-North123 and Washer-South456.

Athena:    That’s what I told them too. But they said the number of Roles gets multiplied by the number of locations. So if we have two Roles: Teller and Money Washer, and 1,000 locations, we end up with over 2,000 Roles to manage!

Euripides: Ay yi yi I see the problem.

Athena:    The architects say the only way to fix it is to join the policy entities, i.e. User, Role, and Perm, with the Bank’s data, that includes its locations. It’s hopeless because every application must have its own policy engine, one that understands its particular data model.

Euripides: Sounds like we’re back to square one. Now what?

Athena:     Well, they’re talking about this new kind of authorization system called Attribute-Based Access Control, or ABAC. It downplays the Role. Everything is just an attribute, that can then get linked with a User at runtime.

Euripides: I mean, isn’t that just an Access Control List?

Athena:     Well yeah, but there’s more, like dynamic policies. In ABAC, policies are expressions in which the various linked attributes are combined with the traditional security entities like Roles and Resources.  Let’s say that I have a policy where the ‘Teller’ Role is still required to gain access to a cash drawer at a financial institution. We can also link additional attributes, like location. These attributes can come from anywhere.  Something from the runtime environment, like location, time, IP address, platform, temperature of processors. Attributes also come from the the application domain. Things like hair color, favorite type of beer, how many donuts eaten yearly, literally anything under the helios.

Euripides: [stepping onto a soapbox] Ah, the old loosey-goosey. No common data schema. Makes it almost impossible to audit or even validate input. No thanks. Been there, done that. Let me tell you about back when …

Athena:    [cutting him off] You haven’t even heard the worst of it yet. The most popular ABAC systems use XML to transmit the data between their intermediaries.

Euripides: [retracting in horror] That’s bloody awful.

Athena:    [despondently] If only there was a way to combine RBAC and ABAC. We could keep our common security data model and policy engine and combine a few attributes, like location, as needed.

Euripides: And you think the NIST high priests allow it?

Athena:    I don’t know but I’m going to find out.

Euripides: Good luck.

Athena:     Stop saying that.

Scene V

The following week at Euripides cubicle.  Athena knocks, startling Euripides from a mid-afternoon siesta.

Euripides: [groggy after a 3 IPA lunch] There you are. How’s it going … have you found a solution to your exploding Roles?

Athena:    [grinning] I sure did, and the architecture board has approved my plan for externalizing authorization.

Euripides: Wuff.  How’d you manage to pull that off?

Athena:     It was surprisingly easy.  First, there’s nothing in RBAC that says that attributes aren’t allowed. So from a standards perspective we’re in the clear and the NIST priests say the Gods won’t hex our offspring.

Euripides: [nervously looking at a framed portrait of a dog on the cubicle wall] Oh, yeah, that’s good.  Did they tell you how?

Athena:    Yes. There’s the user-role activation phase… back to our Banking example… remember the two Roles and 1,000 locations?

Euripides: [groaning] Like it was yesterday.

Athena:    As we learned earlier, in RBAC, assigned Roles must be activated into the Session before a particular User can perform operations on the Role’s corresponding resources.

Euripides realizing he’s famished, snatches a cookie wedged against a burger from a day-old takeout box on his desk, almost takes a bite, thinks better of it, (trying to be nice) offers it to Athena, who vigorously shakes her head and frowns. He then shrugs and begins eating it, a bit of ketchup hanging from one side dropping onto his shirt.

Euripides: [with his mouth full] How could I forget?

Athena:     [disgusted] Anyway, we can add a constraint during activation to detect whether the Role being activated matches location. For example, only activate the Teller Role for Curly when he’s at the North branch.

Euripides: [drinks from a room temperature two-liter bottle of mountain dew burping with gusto] ‘scuse me. That’s the policy but how is it enforced?

Athena:     Could … you …

Euripides: Wha?

Athena:     [waving her hands] ew! Just … never mind. We’re making the constrained Roles special to the system. The policy engine has to know when activating any Role, that it might have a dynamic constraint placed upon it. Here, a property associated with the Role’s name will do quite well.

[clears a tiny space on the cluttered whiteboard and begins drawing]:

Role: Teller:locale

Role: Washer:locale

Euripides: This covers how the authorization system knows when to check for a dynamic constraint, but where will the actual attribute values be stored?

Athena:    On the User’s entity of course. With RBAC, there is already a User-Role assignment that is bound to the User entity. We simply need to place a couple of delineated properties on that assignment. For example the Role assignment looks like this:

[draws on whiteboard]:

User: Curly

Role Assignment: Teller:locale:North123

Role Assignment: Washer:locale:South456

Euripides: We’re still missing a piece here. How does the authorization system get the current valid values of a dynamic constraint? For our scenario, which locale they’re in?

Athena:    It just pushes that into the runtime context…

[draws on whiteboard]:

Session session = createSession("Curly", "locale:North123");

Euripides: Ah!  Now, when the runtime activates Curly’s Roles, it knows that they’re special and will compare the value of the constraint pushed into the API with that stored on the User-Role assignment. Here, Curly will be a Teller because we’re in the North, right?

Athena:     That’s right. There really is more to you than your curmudgeonly demeanor suggests.

Euripides: [with a bit of ketchup still on his shirt] It’s hard to be humble. What’d the review board have to say?

Athena:    [handing him a napkin] What could they? We’re pushing into the financial system as we speak. The Bank’s pleased because we’re not spending money on a new ABAC system. We just tweaked our RBAC system and we’re good to go!

Euripides: [rising up] The Gods must be pleased! Maybe they’ll hand out raises this year!

Athena:    Good luck.

Who put ABAC in my RBAC?

Readers know that Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC) is a bit of an obsession with me.  It stems from the want to have something like an ABAC system in my little bag of tricks.  An authorization engine that scales to everyday usage, without proprietary, bloated or cumbersome baggage to weigh it down.

So I comment, lament and nothing seems to come of it.

Until I leaned that ABAC can be combined with RBAC.

We like RBAC, use it in our everyday applications, but it has some serious shortcomings, and we don’t know what to do about them.

ABAC also good.  It’s adaptable, but lacks meaningful standards, we struggle during implementations, and are left wanting more.

Now, let’s somehow combine the two.  Hopefully allowing the strengths of each to be preserved while eliminating their shortcomings.

What would such a system look like?

  1. Simple apis that are easy to understand and use.
  2. Standard data and api formats, something that can be shared between all of my apps and systems.
  3. Flexible decision expressions allowing unlimited instance data types and values to be considered.

How would this system work?

Standards-based RBAC adheres to the NIST model, later becoming an ANSI standard — INCITS 359.  Long story short, RBAC allows attributes to be applied during two separate phases of the access control decision:

1. User-Role Activation – instance data used to constrain whether an assigned role is eligible to be considered in the access control decision, i.e. permission check, that happens later.  For example, user may only activate the cashier role at store 314.

2. Role-Permission Activation – these constraints apply during the permission check itself.  An example is the action may only be performed if account #456789.

Apache Fortress 2.0.2 now supports type 1.  For a test drive, there’s this rbac-abac-sample in Github.  Have a look under-the-hood section of the README.


Towards an Attribute-Based Role-Based Access Control System

[Link to the Apache Fortress RBAC-ABAC-SAMPLE project on Github]

[Link to towards-an-attribute-based-rbac-ldapcon-2019-v1 from LDAPCon]

We’ve all heard the complaint, RBAC doesn’t work.  It leads to Role Explosion, defined as an inordinate number of roles in a production environment.  Nobody knows who must be assigned to what because there are hundreds if not thousands of them.

What’s a system implementor to do?  We could give Attribute-Based Access Control a try, but that has its own problems and we need not go there again.

There’s another way.  RBAC allows the usage of dynamic attributes.

  • Recent standards include dynamic policies, most notably, ANSI INCITS 494 RBAC Policy-Enhanced
  • The existence of entities to conveniently apply dynamic policies, e.g. User-Role and Role-Permission.
  • No language discouraging the usage of dynamic attributes alongside RBAC in the standard.

Indeed, dynamic attributes are encouraged if not prescribed.  Here’s where I should be pointing to evidence substantiating my arguments.

This brings us to Apache Fortress and a new enhancement to use dynamic attributes.

What is Apache Fortress?

Both followers of this blog (wife and boss) know about Apache Fortress.  Especially my wife.  It’s the itch that leads me to three years of work in a garage, alongside two of my brothers, who got dragged in also.

It’s also an implementation of the classic RBAC specification – ANSI INCITS 359.  If anything’s prone to exploding roles, it’s Apache Fortress.

How are we going to stop the dang exploding?

Described in a JIRA ticket  yesterday, and checked into the Apache Fortress Core Repo last night.  The idea is best explained with a story.

The Tale of Three Stooges and Three Branches

Once upon a time there were three branches, North, South and East managed by The Three Stooges that worked there, Curly, Moe and Larry.

They were nice blokes, but a tad unruly, and so we try to keep them separated.  Curly works in the East, Moe the North and Larry runs amok in the South.  All three are Tellers, but each may also substitute as coin Washers at the other two.

All is well because each Branch has only one Teller.  It’s never good when two Stooges combine without one being in charge.

Here are the Users and their Role assignments:

Curly: Teller, Washer

Moe: Teller, Washer

Larry: Teller, Washer

By now we know where this storyline’s headed.  How do we prevent one going off-script, wandering into another branch, activating Teller, and running slipshod?

The classic Role explosion theory goes like…

Create Roles by Location with User-Role assignments:

Curly: TellerEast, WasherNorth, WasherSouth

Moe: TellerNorth, WasherEast, WasherSouth

Larry: TellerSouth, WasherNorth, WasherEast

This works pretty good with three branches and two roles but what about the real-world?  How many branches will the medium-sized bank have, a thousand?  How many types of roles, at least ten?  If we follow the same Role-by-Location pattern there’d be over 10,000 Roles to manage!  We may be keeping our Stooges in check, but at the IT team’s expense.  Our roles have indeed exploded.  What now?

Time for something different, back to the earlier discussion over using attributes.  Let’s try controlling role activation by location, but store the required attributes on the user object itself.

User-Properties to store Role-Locale constraints:

Curly: Teller:East, Washer:North, Washer:South

Moe: Teller:North, Washer:East, Washer:South

Larry: Teller:South, Washer:North, Washer:East

What just happened here?  It kind of looks the same but it’s not.  We go back to only needing two Roles, but have added dynamic policies, Role-Locale, to properties stored on the User.  Our medium-sized bank only needs 10 roles not 10,000.

Now, when the security system logs in a User (createSession), it pushes its physical location attribute into the runtime context, e.g. North, South or East, along with the already present Userid attribute.  The security system compares that physical location, along with its corresponding properties stored on the User, to determine access rights, specifically which Roles may be activated into their Session.

Sprinkle in a policy that defines the role to constraint relationships.

Global Config Properties store Role-Constraint mappings:



That way when the security system activates roles it knows to perform the extra check on a particular role, and which attribute to verify.

In addition to location, we can constrain role activation by project, organization, customer, account balance, hair color, favorite ice cream, and any other form of instance data imaginable.  There may be multiple types of constraints applied to any or all roles in the system.  It truly is a dynamic policy mechanism placed on top of a traditional Role-Based Access Control System.

With this minor change to the security system, our IT guys return to the good life without worrying about exploding roles or what the Stooges are up to.  🙂

The End

New Sheriff in Town

And it don’t need no stinking badges.  Yeah, I’m mixing clichés, happens sometimes when coding long hours in a stretch.  🙂

What I’m talking about is a new access management system, released to PyPI yesterday for the first time.

py-fortress on PyPI

Considering we just started coding a couple of months ago that’s pretty good progress.

What is it?  A toolkit designed for Python3, with APIs that developers can use to do security in an RBAC-compliant way.  Today, it requires an LDAP server to store the policies, but a file-based backend will soon be ready.  No, I’m not recommending files in production, but it’s fine for getting started, within dev envs.

You can check the py-fortress project here:

py-fortress README on GitHub

Inside are links to some documents to help get started.  The quickstart doesn’t require cloning the project GIT repo, but you’ll need a Linux machine, Python3, PIP and Docker engine installed.  Everything else is covered.

Why would you want it?  That’s a long story.  It starts with an imperative to follow standards, in security processes, like authentication and authorization.  That there’s value in committing to best-practices, in this case ANSI RBAC.

It may help to know that this effort is backed by my employer — Symas.

Eventually, this code may end up inside of an Apache project, like Apache Fortress.  Or, it might land somewhere else.  It’s too early to know.  What’s certain is that it’ll remain open, available to use and learn from.

Programming in Python using the py-fortress RBAC APIs

py-fortress implements standards-based RBAC in Python. There have been numerous postings lately here about it.


Very soon we’ll have a release of py-fortress that works with just the file system. This is to lower complexity of testing and developing with this package. In the meantime, an LDAP server has to be running on the network, so follow the instructions in the quickstart below to use a Docker container, if you don’t already have one installed.

0. Prepare your python module for usage by importing:
from pyfortress import (
    # model
    # apis:
    #exception handling:

Access Mgr APIs – Create Session, Check Access, Session Perms

These are used to check the policies at runtime. For example, to authenticate is create_session and authorization is check_access here.

  1. Now test signing on the RBAC way:
    def test_create_session(self):
        create session
            session = access_mgr.create_session(User(uid='foo1', password='secret'), False)
            if not session:
                print('test_create_session fail')
      'test_create_session fail')
                print('test_create_session pass')
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_create_session failed, exception=' + e.msg)

    The session will then be held on to by the client for subsequent calls like check_access and session_perms

  2. Here’s how to check a single permission:
    def test_check_access(self):
        create session and check perm
            session = ... obtained earlier
            result = access_mgr.check_access(session, Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'))
            if not result:
                print('test_check_access fail')
      'test_check_access fail')
                print('test_check_access pass')
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_check_access failed, exception=' + e.msg)
  3. Retrieve all of the permissions as a list:
    def test_session_perms(self):
        create session and get perms for user
            session = ... obtained earlier
            perms = access_mgr.session_perms(session)
            if not perms:
                print('test_session_perms failed')
      'test_session_perms failed')
            for perm in perms:
                print_perm(perm, 'session_perms: ')
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_session_perms failed, exception=' + e.msg)

Admin and Review APIs – Create, Read, Update, Delete

These are for programs that manage and search the data. For example admin guis, conversion programs, reporting apps.

  1. Add a user:
    def test_add_user(self):
        Add a basic user
            admin_mgr.add_user(User(uid='foo1', password='secret'))
            print('test_add_user success')                        
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_add_user failed, exception=' + e.msg)
  2. Add a role:
    def test_add_role(self):
        Add a basic role
            print('test_add_role success')                        
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_add_role failed, exception=' + e.msg)
  3. Add an object:
    def test_add_obj(self):
        Add a basic perm object
            print('test_add_obj success')                        
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_add_obj failed, exception=' + e.msg)
  4. Add a perm:
    def test_add_perm(self):
        Add a basic perm
            admin_mgr.add_perm(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'))
            print('test_add_perm success')                        
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_add_perm failed, exception=' + e.msg)
  5. Assign a user:
    def test_assign_user(self):
        Assign a user to a role
            admin_mgr.assign(User(uid='foo1'), Role(name='Customer'))
            print('test_assign_user success')                        
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_assign_user failed, exception=' + e.msg)
  6. Grant a permission:
    def test_grant_perm(self):
        Grant a permission to a role
            admin_mgr.grant(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'), Role(name="Customer"))
            print('test_grant_perm success')                        
        except FortressError as e:
  'test_grant_perm failed, exception=' + e.msg)

7. Read a user:

def test_read_user(self):
    Read a user that was created earlier. Expects a unique uid that points to an existing user.
        out_user = review_mgr.read_user(User(uid='foo1'))
    except FortressError as e:            

thows exception if user is not present

8. Search for users with a matching uid:

def test_search_users(self):
    Search for users that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended.  Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set.
        users = review_mgr.find_users(User(uid='foo*'))
        for user in users:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type user

9. Search for users assigned a role:

def test_assigned_users(self):
    Search for users that are assigned a particular role.  Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set.
        uids = review_mgr.assigned_users(Role(name='Customer'))
        for uid in uids:
            print_test_msg('uid=' + uid)
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type string contain the user id

10. Search for users who have a permission:

def test_perm_users(self):
    Search for users that have been authorized a particular permission.  Will return zero or more records, of type user, one for each user authorized that particular perm.
        users = review_mgr.perm_users(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'))
        for user in users:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type user

11. Read a role:

def test_read_role(self):
    The read role expects the role name to point to an existing entry and will throw an exception if not found or other error occurs.
        out_role = review_mgr.read_role(Role(name='Customer'))
    except FortressError as e:

returns a single entity of type role

12. Search for roles matching a particular name:

def test_search_roles(self):
    Search for roles that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended.  Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set.
        roles = review_mgr.find_roles(Role(name='Customer*'))
        for role in roles:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type role

13. Search for roles assigned to a user:

def test_assigned_roles(self):
    Return the list of roles that have been assigned a particular user.  Will return zero or more records, of type constraint, one for each role assigned to user.
        constraints = review_mgr.assigned_roles(User(uid='foo1'))
        for constraint in constraints:
            print_test_msg('role name=' +                        
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type role_constraint

14. Search for roles who have granted a particular permission:

def test_perm_roles(self):
    Return the list of roles that have granted a particular perm.  Will return zero or more records, containing the role names, one for each role assigned to permission.
        names = review_mgr.perm_roles(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'))
        for name in names:
            print_test_msg('role name=' + name)                        
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of strings containing the role names

15. Read an object:

def test_read_obj(self):
    The ob_name is the only required attribute on a fortress object. Will throw an exception if not found.
        out_obj = review_mgr.read_object(PermObj(obj_name='ShoppingCart'))
    except FortressError as e:

return a single entity of type object

16. Search for objects matching obj_name field:

def test_search_objs(self):
    Search for ojects that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended.  Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set.
        objs = review_mgr.find_objects(PermObj(obj_name='ShoppingCart*'))
        for obj in objs:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type object

17. Read a permission entry:

def test_read_perm(self):
    Permissions require obj_name and op_name, obj_id is optional.  This will throw an exception if not found.
        out_perm = review_mgr.read_perm(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart', op_name='add'))
    except FortressError as e:

returns a single entity of type permission

18, Search for perms:

def test_search_perms(self):
    Search for perms that match the characters passed into with wildcard appended.  Will return zero or more records, one for each user in result set.
        perms = review_mgr.find_perms(Perm(obj_name='ShoppingCart*', op_name='*'))
        for perm in perms:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type perm

19. Search for perms by role:

def test_role_perms(self):
    Search for perms that have been granted to a particular role.  Will return zero or more records, of type permission, one for each grant.
        perms = review_mgr.role_perms(Role(name='Customer'))
        for perm in perms:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type permission

20. Search for perms by user:

def test_user_perms(self):
    Search for perms that have been authorized to a particular user based on their role assignments.  Will return zero or more records, of type permission, one for each perm authorized for user.
        perms = review_mgr.user_perms(User(uid='foo1'))
        for perm in perms:
    except FortressError as e:

returns a list of type permission